Neon, Karma und Screen printing We love neon-colours! And therefore we love the munich-based photographer and screen printing artist Laura Piantoni! She will be having a solo-show at the Druck Berlin Festival! Can‘t wait to see this? Then shorten the wait with some insights and go on reading! Druck Berlin: Tell us something about your…
in yummy colours for Ganesh / 3 fluo colours Vishnu / 7 colours
CONTURBANARIES – Contemporary and fine urban arts Berlin contURBANaries is a platform for the internationally renown Berlin Urban Art scene. Artists, galleries, publishers and activists are presenting themselves in a shared, curated exhibition space. In the 2500 m² you will find Berlin’s most original creators and their international friends. Berlin is no longer an isolated…
..sticker sind fertig!
Fesch’Markt #6
21.06 bis 23.06.2013 Ottakringer Brauerei, Wien von 11.00 Uhr – 20.00 Uhr feschmarkt read more: c-heads about feschmarkt
Stroke Art Fair Munich
Yeah, it`s time for STROKE! 2013 itsmygallery proudly presents the Munich based artists LEWY ⋅ Laura Piantoni ⋅ STEVE ⋅ Vince ABC aka D`WUIDARA Plus there will be: KÖNISDISZIPLINEN 2013 - Editon 2 1. – 5.Mai 2013 Praterinsel Munich
for STROKE Munich – PARADE on canvas, size 130 x 90 cm
paint & pressure Just in time for the Holiday season INOPERAbLE has decided to host an event to showcase some afordable art prints from some of the top artists around today! Currated by eLiot from Berlin. Artprints available from: Above, Alias, Blu, Bronco, Dave the Chimp, eLiot, Emess, Eric il Cane, Escif, Evol, Faith47, Felix…
is making a film about SOCIAL NETWORK PHOTOGRAPHY – the book See more: arte tv “Mein Ich ist online – Social Network Photography” von Sabine Pollmeier Wie verändert sich unsere Wahrnehmung von uns selbst in der Zeit von ständig griffbereiter Handy-Kamera? Auf Facebook und anderen sozialen Netzwerken werden täglich Tausende und Abertausende von selbstinszenierten Portraits…