Königsdisziplinen Edtion 1 – 2006
Edition 1 – 2006
Behind the idea of the Königsdisziplinen Edition is photographer and printer Laura Piantoni who invited for the first time in 2006 her artist friends to create one art work for the Königsdisziplinen. For the second edition in 2012 twelve international artists got invited.
The only two rules: 2 colours and the format.
Each artwork reflects the artist`s very own approach. In combination with a hand screen printing process and a lot of love for the detail the curator Laura Piantoni etablished an amazing second edition box where paintings, illustrations, drawings photography and street art meet.
The edition box is limited in an edition of 70.
Each print is handmade and individual because of the hand screen printing process.
Details about the Edition:
10 artists – 10 artworks – altogether in 1 collection box
Susanne Asam ⋅ Ruth Detzer ⋅ Sabrina Grünauer ⋅ David SAID Mayerhofer ⋅ Toni Montana ⋅ Laura Piantoni ⋅ Relax ⋅ unknown artist ⋅ Benjamin Röder ⋅Vince ABC
2 colours / Neonpink and Black
Format 48 x 30 cm